West Dallas Boys & Girls Club

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This Club serves a membership base from the West Dallas sector, providing programs based on physical, emotional, cultural and social needs, and the interests of boys and girls. The Club offers diverse program activities in three areas:

  • Academic Success
  • Good Character & Citizenship
  • Healthy Lifestyles

These services are offered through a network of center-based, professionally staffed, small group and one-on-one teachable moments and classes.  Programs implemented enhance character and self-esteem, are educational and fun, and ultimately contribute to youth realizing their maximum potential.

We Provide:

  • A safe place to learn and grow
  • Ongoing relationships with caring, adult professionals
  • Life-enhancing programs and character development experiences
  • Hope and opportunity


(214) 744-6774

2060 Singleton Blvd., Suite 104
Dallas, Texas, 75212

Alma Jimenez, Site Director ajimenez@bgcdallas.org


Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas’ mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

West Dallas Boys & Girls Clubs, formerly Trinity River Mission, joined BGCD in 2020.