Interested in getting your child involved in one of our programs?
Academic Success
Academic Success programs were designed with the ultimate goal of ensuring that all Club members graduate from high school on time, are ready for post-secondary education and a 21st-century career. Academic Success’ strategy is based on research demonstrating students do much better in school when they spend their non-school hours engaged in fun, academically beneficial activities. For this reason, we offer the following programs:
For: All Ages
Preparing young people for an increasingly competitive global workforce is critically important for their future success. Clubs prepare youth by helping them develop their leadership skills, access postsecondary and career readiness activities, and connect their passions with clear goals as they begin their journey toward a Great Future.
For: High School Students
Collegiate STEPs is a college preparatory program that pairs members with a mentor that guides them through the process of applying for scholarships and college, while providing SAT/ ACT prep. Sessions are held every other Monday evening and facilitated in collaboration with the Junior League of Dallas (JLD). Participants gain access to in-person and virtual college tours and junior and seniors are paired with JLD mentors.
For: Teens
d2D is a targeted program in Boy & Girls Clubs of America’s education core program area that encourages teens to make connections between their interests and future career paths, plan and prepare to enter postsecondary education, and develop the social-emotional skills and attributes to be successful in their educational endeavors.
For: All Ages
Sessions are designed to build essential skills in members interested in finding success in the world of work. Career Launch (the primary curriculum for Career Ready) emphasizes the development of work maturity skills such as problem solving, working with others, managing conflict, communication, and developing leadership skills. Career Ready also focuses on workforce readiness, including career workshops, mock interviews, and job shadowing.
For: All Ages
In the spirit of advancing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas implements STEM-based programming across all age groups. These activities include week-long science camps, Math Blazers (a math competition), robotics-style programs such as Vex IQ, and summer coding camps. Curriculum implementation is delivered through DIY STEM, App Lab, and My.Future.
For: Grades 3-12
A program designed to build and improve math skills. The event culminates with an annual Math competition with teams competing from across the organization.
For: All Ages
Activities provide opportunities to practice reading, writing, verbal communication, math, science, problem solving and decision making. HYLAs are designed to be interactive, fun, and engaging.
For: All Ages
Tutoring is provided throughout the school year by highly qualified tutors, including master teachers, aspiring teachers, college students, and other degreed professionals with majors in math, science and liberal arts.
Any member who earns a grade of 79 or below in any of the critical-needs subjects (math, science, reading, or writing) is expected to attend tutoring at least 2 times per week for up to an hour per session. Once the member achieves and maintains an 80 or above in all critical-needs subjects, they no longer have to attend tutoring, but continue to be monitored to ensure continued success. Members are monitored by use of individual profiles which include report card grades, STAAR scores, comments from teachers/parents, goals, and interventions used to improve areas of concern.
For: All Ages
This program promotes financial responsibility and independence by building basic money management skills. Money Matters was designed using the latest research on financial education, behavioral economics, and youth development. Through the curriculum, participants develop financial literacy skills that can lead them to workplace readiness, lifelong financial stability, and overall success.
For: Ages 6-15
Goals for Graduation introduces club members to the concept of academic goal setting. The youth are taught the steps to help them achieve their goals.
For: Ages 9 to 13 yrs.
Ultimate Journey is one of BGCA’s oldest and most successful STEM programs. It’s designed to engage 4th-8th grade youth in fun, experiential, and environmental education activities. Ultimate Journey cultivates an awareness and appreciation of the natural wonders that surround young people. In partnership with the National Park Service, this program introduces young people to aspects of environmental stewardship.
Healthy Lifestyles
Healthy lifestyle programs encourage our members to adopt a healthy diet, practice healthy lifestyle choices and make a lifelong commitment to fitness. Each program is designed to cater to two age groups: ages 6-12 and teens (13-18).
For: Ages 6-10
A safety awareness program developed to provide members with knowledge in the areas of public safety and crime prevention.
For: All Ages
As a comprehensive health and wellness initiative, this program strives to improve the overall health of members ages 6-18 by increasing their daily physical activity, teaching them good nutrition and helping them develop healthy relationships.
Triple Play teaches the importance of having healthy habits of the mind, the body and the soul. Curriculum implemented include Healthy Habits (culinary arts), Daily Challenges (physical fitness) and Social Recreation (socialization and teamwork skill development).
For: Ages 11-14
A program that promotes and teaches responsibility to boys. Passport to Manhood represents a targeted effort to engage young men in discussions and activities that reinforce positive behavior.
For: Ages 8-18
The SMART Girls program aims to enrich girls with the tools needed to understand themselves as they develop through puberty. Topics covered include Self Esteem, Health and Fitness, Life Skills, Anatomy, Peer Pressure, Relationships with Others and there is a mentoring component.
For: Ages 6-17
A prevention program designed to equip youth with the knowledge, skills, self-esteem and support system to help them avoid using alcohol, tobacco, drugs and drug-related activities and premature sexual activity.
For: Grades K-5
A child safety program that educates youth and families about preventing abduction, body safety, and empowers kids in grades K-5 to practice safer behaviors. This program helps protect kids by introducing the four rules of personal safety through various engaging and age-appropriate activities.
For: All Ages
A program that focuses on encouraging young people to treat each other with respect through education and grassroots initiatives. The program uses social and emotional learning to give Club members the tools they need to enhance their learning, decision making, creativity, relationships and mental health.
Types of bullying addressed include verbal, physical, social/ relational and cyber bullying.
For: All Ages
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas has a developmental and competitive sports league. Sports include flag football, basketball and soccer.
Good Character & Citizenship
Shapes members into engaged citizens involved in the community, while building strong character.
For: Ages 14-18
The Keystone Club provides young people with opportunities for growth that are based on the needs and interests of teens: a small group experience, a skilled adult, service to others, and self-planned events.
Keystone affords teens an opportunity to gain valuable leadership and service experience. Teens conduct activities in four areas: academic success, career exploration, community service, and teen outreach.
For: All Ages
A program that provides youth and parents with the groundwork that will help them better understand diversity and combat prejudice, bigotry and discrimination. This program consists of a comprehensive, broad-based set of activities and conversation starters that build the capacity of local Clubs to help members appreciate themselves as unique and special individuals; understand our society’s diversity; recognize bias and unfairness; and take personal leadership in confronting bias.
Specialty Programs
For: Grades 1-3
The Accelerated Childhood Education (AECE) programs targets struggling 1st and 2nd grade readers. Through daily reading support and intervention, youth will read on grade level by the 3rd grade.
For: Grades K-8
Activities and special events that introduce and teach diverse art forms to youth and help youth develop an understanding, appreciation and sensitivity to different art forms. Includes music, dance, acting, photography, and more.
CNG is an initiative that focuses on arts & culture programming to assist with academic achievement and expose inner-city youth to artistic experiences. Learn more.
For: Teens
A program that focuses on teaching core safety principles, from basic instruction to the consequences of risky behaviors such as talking on cell phones, texting or drinking while driving. Driving simulators are utilized to test teens’ safe driving knowledge.